303. Bomb on Toes

So it’s not a New Year’s cartoon …

This actually happened to me while overseas. Thank goodness I had on jungle boots and not the steel toes or my little pigies would have been cut off. Just some broken toes and bone fragments … forget sick call. Keep working!

Please everyone have a happy and healthy 2012 and please come back to the site. I thank you all for making 2011 a great year. Be safe …

302. Mustafa the Snowman

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. I’m going to let hat stand and not even make a comment on this … it is what it is. But I got to tell you, the thought of a snowman with a suicide vest just struck me as hilarious! I guess he could have been holding a pack of matches or a pot of boiling water too … eh. I like the vest better.

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas or whatever holiday you choose to celebrate! Check back on Friday for a New Year’s cartoon … or maybe not a New Year’s cartoon.

Thanks for visiting and have a safe and productive week.