656. Bad Guy on Tail

If its not bandits at twelve o’clock high its a bad guy on your tail! What a predicament.

Thank you for stopping by and have the best of weekends and most of all … stay safe.
Please keep coming back to check out all new cartoons on Tuesdays and Fridays. Bring some friends and consider purchasing one or both of our books for your favorite military person or veteran! Email shepart@aol.com for details.

655. Its a Major Award

“Fragile” or as they say in the Christmas Story movie … Frageelay! Since the term ‘major award’ was used in the movie, I thought it only appropriate to use it!

Have a great week and thanks for visiting. Please come back often and bring your friends.

654. Marine Mammal Program

You folks old enough to remember Flipper thought he was smart … well today’s animals in this program are uncanny. I think some of them eat with knives and forks!

Thank you for stopping by and please do so again! Share the joy with others! Have a great weekend and be safe.